Holy Week Schedule
Maundy Thursday - April 17, 2014
One of this parish’s largest customs is the Maundy Thursday Table Eucharist and Supper celebrating The Last Supper. The Undercroft is beautifully decorated with candlelit dinner tables. The evening begins with the regular Holy Eucharist Rite II service and proceeds to the Peace. At that time, dinner (lamb stew, salad, pita bread, dates and apricots) is served. Following supper, the service continues with the Eucharist before processing upstairs for The Stripping of the Altar. Reservations are preferred for the Table Eucharist portion of the evening to know how much to prepare. You can reserve your space online at ChristChurch.EventBrite.com. This event is very much a family event and children are more than welcome. However, a children’s program is offered for families who prefer that option.
Table Eucharist is at 6:30 p.m.
Stripping of the Altar begins at approximately 8:15 p.m.
Good Friday - April 18, 2014
Beginning at Noon, a service of readings, music and meditations.
The service continues through 3:00 p.m. One may arrive and depart as the need dictates.