Bible Essentials May Bible Challenge 2005
Readings for the month of May:
New Testament: Luke 21-24; John 1-12 Old Testament: 1 Kings; 2 Kings; 1 Chronicles; 2 Chronicles 1-14
The Gospel of John
Written by the apostle John, mentioned anonymously as the �disciple who Jesus loved�.
- Theme - Jesus is God. John goes to great lengths to establish the deity of Jesus. �In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.� John wishes to make the point that while Jesus was man, he was God in the form of man. The identification of Jesus as �The Word� in the prologue of the book was intended to say that Jesus was the expression of God to man. He does maintain a distinction between the Father and Son, but he is emphatic that the Son shares the deity with the Father.
- Purpose - That we will believe and that we will have life.
- A concentrate on the ministry of Jesus in Judea rather than Galilee, and it alone describes his journey through Samaria where he conversed with the woman at the well.
Overview of John
- Prologue - John introduces Jesus as the �Word�. Among Jews it would evoke thoughts of God�s creative power-he was the beginning, he was with God, he was God, and as God he made all things.
- Jesus� miraculous ministry - Introduction of Jesus by John the Baptist as �the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world�. Dual claim that Jesus is both divine and a sinbearer is supported by seven miracles, seven sermons and seven �I Am� statements (as seen in Exodus).
- Miracles: Water to wine, Nobleman�s son, paralyzed man, multiplication of bread and fish, walking on water, healing the blind, Lazarus raised.
- Sermons: New birth, water of life, equality of the father, bread of life, the promised spirit, the light of the world, the Good Shepherd.
- I Am sayings: bread of life, the light of the world, the door, the good shepherd, the resurrection and life, the way the truth and the life, the vine.
- Jesus� Upper Room Discourse - Jesus gives the disciples an example of service by washing their feet. He remarks that the distinguishing feature of a disciple is if you have love for one another.
- Jesus� death and resurrection - Judas� betrayal and Jesus is condemned to death.
- Joseph of Arimathea and the help of Nicodemus bury the Lord. Mary Magdalene discovers the stone rolled away from the tomb. Peter and the �other disciple� investigate and find it empty. Jesus begins to appear and even Thomas, who was doubtful, is convinced of the resurrection upon seeing Jesus.
- Epilogue - Jesus commands Peter to feed his sheep.
Important highlights
Jesus lays the foundation of the doctrine of the Trinity by identifying himself with the Father, yet maintaining a distinction between him, the Father and the Spirit.
Gospel goes to great lengths to demonstrate the deity of Christ.
Basis of salvation is faith in him. He alone is the way to experience salvation. The Gospel of John is frequently referred to the �Gospel of Belief�
The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father to bear witness to Jesus; including convicting the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. The Spirit is the believers� Helper who will abide in them forever.
According to John: God expects faith in Jesus his Son. Jesus has gone, but we are not alone. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus continues with us, bearing fruit in all who will abide in Him.
Luke 21:20-38
1 Kings 10, 11
Luke 22:1-20
1 Kings 12, 13
Luke 22:21-46
1 Kings 14, 15
Luke 22:47-71
1 Kings 16, 17, 18
Luke 23:1-25
1 Kings 19, 20
Luke 23:26-56
1 Kings 21, 22
Luke 24:1-35
2 Kings 1, 2, 3
Luke 24:36-53
2 Kings 4, 5, 6
John 1:1-28
2 Kings 7, 8, 9
John 1:29-51
2 Kings 10, 11, 12
John 2
2 Kings 13, 14
John 3:1-18
2 Kings 15, 16
John 3:19-38
2 Kings 17, 18
John 4:1-30
2 Kings 19, 20, 21
John 4:31-54
2 Kings 22, 23
John 5 1-24
2 Kings 24, 25
John 5:25-47
1 Chronicles 1, 2, 3
John 6:1-21
1 Chronicles 4, 5, 6
John 6:22-44
1 Chronicles 7, 8, 9
John 6:45-71
1 Chronicles 10, 11, 12
John 7:1-27
1 Chronicles 13, 14, 15
John 7:28-53
1 Chronicles 16, 17, 18
John 8:1-27
1 Chronicles 19, 20, 21
John 8:28-59
1 Chronicles 22, 23, 24
John 9:1-23
1 Chronicles 25, 26, 27
John 9:24-41
1 Chronicles 28, 29
John 10:1-23
2 Chronicles 1, 2, 3
John 10:24-42
2 Chronicles 4, 5, 6
John 11: 1-29
2 Chronicles 7, 8, 9
John 11:30-57
2 Chronicles 10, 11, 12
John 12:1-26
2 Chronicles 13, 14