Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
This Sunday, parishioners will have one last chance to check out the Fine Art Fest after it closes to the public on Saturday.
Also happening beginning this Sunday is WARM-UP PITTSBURGH - Helping keep the homeless of Pittsburgh warm!! through November 16. Our youths in Rite-13 and J2A will gather items to help our homeless friends during this upcoming cold and snowy winter in Pittsburgh through Shepherd’s Heart ministry and Trinity Cathedral. We want to collect blankets, winter jackets, hats and gloves (new or gently used) and new socks. The majority of clothes should be for men, with smaller amounts for women. After the 8:00 and 10:00 services our youth will be in the narthex to collect items and cash/checks (payable to Christ Episcopal Church). The money will be used to buy new socks, as well as blankets and other winter items at local thrift stores. We will have boxes in the narthex and coat closet to drop off warm items in during the week. Please check with family and friends, in closets and attics, for gently used, primarily men’s winter jackets, hats and gloves…as well as any gently used warm blankets. Ask people you know to donate money or to buy new socks! Contact Father Charlie for more info.
Our schedule:
8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:00 a.m. - Coffee & Fellowship
9:00 a.m. - Choir Rehearsal
9:10 a.m. - Adult Forum - Founding Fathers Series: John Wesley
9:30 a.m. - Youth Choir Rehearsal
10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite II
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:15 a.m. - Coffee & Fellowship
11:45 a.m. - The Third Service
5:30 p.m. - Fall Discussion Series - Faith & Science: Friends or Foes? The evening begins with dinner followed by the presentation and open discussion.
See you in church!