- Set up for the Maundy Thursday supper.
- This event is one of Christ Church’s oldest and richest traditions.
- Enjoying the meal
- The “Garden of Gethsemane”
- This was a part of the children’s program on Maundy Thursday.
- Deacon Christine celebrates the Eucharist with the children
- After the Stripping of the Altar, the Light of Christ is all that remained.
- Good Friday, just before 12:00 Noon.
- The Light of Christ returns for the Great Vigil of Easter.
- Doug Anke sings The Exsultet for the vigil.
- Fr. Charlie celebrates the Eucharist at the 8:30 service on Easter Day.
- The new pew candles make their debut.
- Inclement weather meant having to “get creative” with the Easter Egg Hunt indoors.
- Visitors are always welcome at Christ Church!
Category: Event photos