ECW Mission
The object of this organization shall be to unite the women of the parish in a program of fellowship, study and worship, which will deepen and strengthen their spiritual lives and lead them to serve the parish, the diocese, the nation and the world.
About the ECW
The ECW is a nationwide organization comprised of women, of all ages, who are members of the Episcopal Church. If you are a member of the Episcopal Church and a woman, you are a member of ECW. You do not have to sign up or pay an initiation fee. The only requirement is your enthusiasm.
We invite you to partake in the various programs and activities outlined in this booklet at any time. These activities may enhance your spiritual life, promote fellowship and goodwill, encourage outreach into the community, sharpen your creative and artistic talents, and while you are at it you may have fun! We have filled our calendar for the upcoming year with Circle activities and social events.
The ECW meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Undercroft.
The ECW has a Rummage Sale every Spring. In addition to being a great fund raiser, it reaches out to the community and provides Christian fellowship for the participants.
Once a year the ECW holds a Women�s Retreat. Each year there is a different site and a different topic or theme with guest speakers, small group discussions, and free time for fellowship or contemplation. All women are encouraged to join the Retreat Committee to bring fresh ideas and help with setting it up and running it.
The Study Circles
These circles are designed to bring together members with similar interests to pursue these interests and for fellowship. If you have an idea for another circle, please talk with any member of the ECW Board and we will find others who share your interests.
A group of women of all ages explore their faith by reading and reflecting together on passages from scripture, spiritual writings, and inspirational books. They meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, 1:00-2:30 in the Church Library. It is not a deep study, and women are encouraged to join them anytime throughout the year.
Book Club
This group would appeal to the secular reader. A selected book is read individually by the members then discussed by the group in a relaxed, friendly manner. There is a pre-selected reviewer and hostess for each meeting, which is held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. It is not necessary to attend each month.
Craft Circle
A group of crafters bring their own projects to work on while sharing their crafting skills and ideas and enjoying each other�s company. They meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month 9:00-11:00am in the Undercroft.
Soul Sisters
The Soul Sisters are a group of mothers, dedicated to raising our children in the Christian principles of grace and truth, while enriching our own spirituality and faith, reaching out to our community, and celebrating motherhood. Monthly meetings are held in the evenings and between the Sunday services to provide the opportunity for moms working within our outside of the home to participate.