The Acolytes include youth from ages 9/10 years old - 18 years old and Adults. They serve each Sunday at the 8:00 and 10:00 services carrying the crosses and torches in procession and serving at the altar during communion. They also serve at special services when requested. Every Acolyte goes through training sessions before being scheduled to serve.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the sanctuary with proper linens, candles, and vessels for each service. They also maintain the linens, silver, and brass vessels.
Caring Ministry
The Caring Committee tries to fill people�s needs: A ride to the doctor�s office, meals during an illness or recuperation, grocery shopping, etc. The Caring Committee has a prayer chain and delivers the Sunday flowers to parish shut-ins. The Caring Committee is always ready to help those in need.
The choirs provide a central element in the corporate worship of our congregation when they sing for the 10:00 AM Sunday Eucharist service for nine months of the year. Some of the high points are Christmas Midnight Eucharist, the two festival celebrations on Easter, the music for Good Friday, the monthly Evensongs, and the annual Advent Lessons and Carols. For more information about our choirs, CLICK HERE.
Coffee Ministers
Each Sunday after the 10:00 AM service, September through May, we serve refreshments in the Church Undercroft. It is hosted by two parish members or one of the church organizations. During the summer months, we move outdoors to the church patio for cold refreshments.
Contemporary Music Ministry
Each Saturday, at our 5:30 PM �Celebration!� Eucharist, Daniel Weikert and Caroline Thomas lead the congregation in song with contemporary music. Daniel and Caroline are looking to expand their music ministry during this service by adding a pianist and a percussionist. Anyone interested should speak to Daniel.
The greeters� job is to present a welcoming presence to all who enter our doors Sunday morning. Usually, two adults serve together as greeters every Sunday at the 10:00 AM service. They can be identified by the Christ Church blue Greeter name tags. They are constantly on the lookout for newcomers to our church and try to make them feel comfortable and provide them with any assistance, including giving them a Newcomer Packet and having them sign the Guest Register.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM)
The Lay Eucharistic Ministers are specially trained and licensed to take communion to the sick and shut-ins following the Sunday service. Training and licensing is required.
Lay Readers
The ministry of the Lay Readers at Christ Church is to read the lessons in our Saturday and Sunday Liturgies and to administer the chalice during communion. The lay readers meet several times each year as a group.
This group provides teams of ushers for each major worship service throughout the year. The ushers assure that worshipers are comfortable and that the service proceeds unimpeded. They pass out bulletins, assist parishioners in finding seats, provide any needed assistance to newcomers, passing and presenting the collection and assisting the communion procession.
Stephen Ministry
Our Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.
Pastors will always be on the front lines of care, especially during time of crisis. But there are always many more needs for ongoing care than pastors can effectively meet by themselves.
Stephen Ministry provides a biblical solution -- equipping God�s people for ministry. Gifted lay people are trained to support and extend the care that pastors continue to provide.
Stephen Ministers reach out with God�s love to people who are hurting - both parish members and nonmembers alike.
Sunday Church School
Our Church School is always looking for teachers and substitute teachers. September through May, the teachers use the Godly Play curriculum with Bible lessons and crafts relating to the lesson.
During the summer, Christ Church has a �one-room schoolhouse� concept. Volunteers choose a Sunday they are available and teach children 3 years old through Grade 5 on that Sunday. All materials for the lessons and crafts are provided.